Get Your Coloring Book-PLR Now
If you are in the market of creating Coloring Books then you will want to add this pack in your collection.

- 25 Lined drawings in JPEG and PNG with a drunk-o-meter& Swizzle Stick Spike
- 25 Words with designs in background in JPEG and PNG with drunk-o-meter & Swizzle Stick Spike
- 25 Hangman Puzzles with Swizzle Stick Spike
- 7 Social Graphics with Swizzle Stick Spike in both PSD & PNG

Here comes - “ SHADES OF DRUNK" Coloring Pack


What Possible Reason could you have for not clicking the buy button right now?
That's right there is no good reason. You save your time, energy, and money!
Satisfaction GUARANTEE
Due to the nature of PLR, no refunds will be given. However, I want you to be really happy with your purchase and value you as a customer, so I will do what I can to make sure you are completely satisfied. Just contact me at

- Possibilities and FAQs
- PLR Usage
YES you can: use this content on your web site
YES you can include in eBooks and Reports just DO NOT INCLUDE PLR rights
YES you can use in an auto responder series
YES you can edit any way you wish
YES you can put your name/brans on this
YES you can distribute to NON PLR Membership Sites
NO you may NOT sell or give away with PLR included
NO you may NOT sell resell rights or Master Rights to the PLR Content
NO you may NOT include/give/sell source documents to clients or customers
NO you may NOT list or sell on Auction sites
NO you may NOT publish the content in ANY WAY that connects IT to Me (Connie Stuart), Peace of Mind PLR or Otherwise implies my Association with or Endorsement of Your Product/Project