Get Your Hideous Hawaiian Shirts Coloring Pack-PLR Now

If you are in the market of creating Coloring Books then you will want to add this pack in your collection.

  • 25 Shirt Designs in both JPEG and PNG
  • Editable Covers in PSD as well as in PNG
  • 7 Social Graphics
  • A Done For You Coloring Book-Editable in Word doc.

Let's Break down the contents of "Hideous Hawaiian Shirts Coloring Pack-PLR" - so you can see the value for yourself.


These graphics have the Vol. 1 Color Book cover and can be edited in the PSD file. You can put your own cover on or if you upgrade to the Vol. 2 Color Book, then you can switch the covers.

The covers are available in the two sizes to use as they are in the PNG format but also allow you to make changes in the layered PSD files.

Look Here - Hideous Hawaiian Shirt Coloring Pack-PLR comes with a

This Done For You Coloring Book has all you need to sell as is. Just add your name in the Copyright and Author area.


  • TIME


If you are not completely satisfied within 45 days of purchasing your Coloring pack then, no worries, I will give you a complete refund, no questions asked-but I would wonder what I could do better so if you have a concern contact me to take care of it if at all possible first

What Possible reasons would you still have for not clicking the buy button right NOW?

That's right there aren't any? Hawaiian Shirts and coloring are cool and here to STAY!!!

"As a wearer of Hawaiian Shirts EVERY Friday I cannot say enough for the fabulous state of mind you will find yourself in. If you don't have a shirt to wear, then COLOR one!”

  • Possibilities and Faqs

Some ways to use the PLR:

Use and sell as a journal of your own

Edit and sell as a journal of your own

Use as part of a membership site

Graphics on Facebook or Instagram

In Twitter Tweets


How can I use this PLR? Click the next tab to see the many different possibilities.

What should I do if I need some help? Please contact me here:

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